Meet The Yeasties: Zoya

Zoya first surfed at the age of 15 in Puerto Rico. In 2020, she decided to finally take it seriously, buying her own board, and practicing in and out of the water much as possible.

Born and raised in the Lower East Side, Zoya now lives in Mamaroneck and takes any chance she can to hop into the car and see her special Rockaway peeps on the waves.

A shameless and equally ashamed DFD, Zoya works in Public Health and can be found cooking, writing, biking, traveling, and hanging with doggo friends. She rides an 8’6” Mick Fanning but loves to try out other boards when she has the chance. She’s a big fan of morning dolphin sightings near the 69th St. break and always wants to meet new people and learn from seasoned surfers.


Meet The Yeasties: Karly


Meet The Yeasties: Justin